Monday, February 16, 2009

An Interview With... Aahsazyl - The Awakening.

Aahsazyl is author of the blog: The Awakening. Although he's currently living with his Aunt in Virginia, they will soon be moving to Seattle, Washington.
He includes among(st?) his collection of Sporting Weaponry: a CO2 pistol, throwing knives, combat knives, and a Katana (sword), of which he says... "is just pretty and i carry it now wherever i go." It's 40" long and 27" of that is the blade. He did have a gun too, but recently gave that away.
He is also somewhat of a linguist and speaks Portuguese, Spanish, French, and a bit of Dutch as well as English.

Please check out his blog by clicking on the link above.

Please note that the first part was an email questionnaire, therefore it was impractical to go into extra detail. Nevertheless, I'm sure you'll find it's content interesting.

The second part was conducted "live."


Age: 17
Occupation/Student: None
Country and State/County: United States of America, Virginia, Caroline County
Gay/Bisexual/Confused: Bisexual

Weapon Sport (target throwing knives/hatchets, target shooting), Driving, Eating, Wanking, Speaking Foreign Tongues, Nibbling Foreign Tongues.

Likes/Dislikes… anything from food to music and film, or celebs you fancy:
I fancy Vlad. He's a celebrity, isn't he? I don't like family (that's why you'll never hear me mention any of my four siblings, or my parents (another four of them)).
I like canines, cats and things related to mongooses (or weasels, oh Black Footed Ferrets). I am a militant anti-fascist (politically leaning towards communism) and dislike any form of organised religion.

I am going to be a forensic pathologist. Yes, that means you'll have to call me Dr. Aahz. *evil laugh*

The questions…

Why have you agreed to participate in these interviews?
Can't be bothered to do anything else (barely managed this).

What are your thoughts/beliefs about being gay is predetermined or a conscious choice?
It is determined by the same process that determines if you are attracted to people not from your race/reproducing population. Probably evolutionary in origin, in order to limit populations. Oh, thus, predetermined. Sorry...

When did you realise that you were gay/bi?
I have always been attracted to attractive people, regardless of sex.

Realising it and accepting it are very different. What are your thoughts/feelings on that distinction, and have you accepted it?
I do not believe a distinction should exist in the minds of rational people... Too bad there aren't more rational people.

What do you think of the argument that there is no such thing as being bisexual… you're either gay or straight and that you're lying to yourself because you won't admit you're actually gay?
I believe this is a new form of discrimination now that homosexuality is more accepted, I am very much proof of this, as I was never taught by my environment that homosexuality is wrong, yet I still call myself bisexual, not as a safer or more accepted name for my homosexuality but because I am indeed heterosexual as well.

Do you feel that your life has been "easier" and people are more accepting of you as a bisexual person, than if you were gay?
I had an exceptional childhood, I rarely dealt with any problems with my sexuality. However, this may be because I treat my sexuality as a peripheral part of my personality, rather than making it the basis for my personality. I.e. I am what straight people perceive as a "normal" person, not a person who makes his life about what makes him different (very much like a disabled person who uses their disability for gain/attention).

Who are you "out" to (no names of course, just… family, friends, work/school colleagues, everybody, nobody etc.)?
Every one that asks, though I have never "come out" as I do not often wish force my personal life upon people who couldn't care less. (You're mother doesn't take your family into a room and tell (or imply, as people are often not explicit when coming out, but you know their doing the nasty) them that she likes to do naughty things with a very happy Saint Bernard, does she?)

How difficult was it for you?
It was/is not difficult.

Did you come "out" by choice, or were you "outed" by somebody else?
I have been outed by other gays who believed me a closeted homosexual because I didn't fly post it :)

What reactions did you receive?
A negative one, but it soon died down because I didn't make a big deal about it and continued as usual. Most of the people I considered my friends didn't care.

Overall, would you say it was a positive or negative experience, and are you now glad it's happened?
I would rather it had not have, because of the initial reaction. I was doing just fine and would have continued doing fine the way I was before it.

What fears/worries do you have about living as a gay/bi guy?
I have none, I have been approached and hassled, the hasslers learned very quickly not to hassle.

How have you faced and/or overcome prejudice toward you (from anybody) for being gay/bi?
I carry two guns, regularly. 'Nuff said.

What resources and other means of support have been available to you whilst growing-up?
I had support for various things, and if I had need support for identity issues I would have gotten it from my family or my school.

What difference has the use of, or lack of, resources and support made to your life?
I made no use of resources dealing with identity issues, because I had no such issues.

Have you ever searched for help or do you just "grin and bear" everything and hope you'll be okay?
Now you're getting tedious...

Do you feel there are enough organisations (like drop-in centres that you could visit) in your locality to help the GLBT community?
There are none, and that is more than enough.

Would you use them if there was, or would you be too embarrassed, ashamed or paranoid (in case somebody you knew saw you enter one) to visit them anyway?
Too embarrassed. It's not really my thing.

How do you think the Internet has helped gay/bi people since it really became mainstream in the 90's?:
Try to imagine what it was like to be gay/bi (say 30+ years, and more, ago) and have no resources or support structure at all. Even if you lived in a major city, access to any resources were few and far between. Being gay/bi was taboo and to admit to being it was generally an invitation to ridicule and abuse, you literally took your life in your hands if you were open about your sexuality. I fear it was worse in the USA.
It was indeed worse in the USA, and I would have much enjoyed putting down tossers who felt they got to decide what was right.

How do you think you would have coped with growing up in those times?
Um, militant anti-fascist, look it up. I'm good for gay bashers, women beaters, and the folks who lynch blacks. I'd put them down. Like dogs.

What do you think your life would be like now?
If I was lucky all that would be behind me by the nineties, if not, probably in jail or dead.

What do you think is the best resource?
Ones self.

Do you feel safer hiding behind anonymity?
I am not anonymous, everyone I know knows me.

Do you want/have a family?
I do not. Children are little shites.

XD, kids suck, they must go through adolescence sometime and that's when they ruin the world!!!

Drawing on your own experiences, what advice would you give to other gay/bi guys, especially the younger generation who may still be afraid to seek/ask for help?
Don't do it!

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

So… based on your life to date as a bisexual teenager:

If you could turn back time and live a new life there may be things you’d choose to do differently, or there may be things you’d change… things that are/were beyond your control. The following questions are purely fantasy, but it will be interesting to compare these answers to those of the previous "reality" questions.

Would you choose to be gay, bi or straight?
bi, because it means more opportunities to be happy

What other choices would you make about things like if or when you‘d “come out” and who to? Would you choose to be ”straight acting” or “camp“ ? (write about as many choices as you want)
O_O i quite enjoy being as far from camp as possible, and i would continue on like i do now. if people; ask i tell lol, or i say none of your business and then i smack them ^_^

Would you choose to live in a different place?
yes, id live in New York city because i really like subways
nah, really id live in bristol and id talk with a west country accent and no one would know what i was saying lol, or id live in haringey, north london. crouch end ^_^
prolly the last one
Why Crouch End?
i like it ^_^ its little but its in london ...sort of

Would you choose to live in a different time?
um, i wouldnt. i like now, the style of now, the feeling of it. its quite comfortable here
oh, i know! prolly um... 1200s
lol. i like to wear cool armour and a sword ^_^ and not tin man armour. id wear kevlar ^_^
Lol. A little early for that!
lol. yea, id have to find a way to get it back there. id have a car too lol.
so the answer is... id like to live out of my time

What would you choose to change about your parents?
lololol. id like them to be thin (they are both a bit round lol) and id like them to be tall-ish, and id like them to be rational minded. snappy dressers too. and get along, but still be divorced and remarried. thats important

What would you choose to change about your siblings?
lol. i would choose that they not exist cause theyre a bunch of cunts lol. they are just not the kind of people i like lol, and thus cunts.
nah, i just dont want siblings. i want all the love ^_^

What would you choose to change about your looks (from the neck up)?
lol. less prominent top lip... um, darker hair. different face really. um, different nose... pretty much everything
because id change it till its attractive to me, and thus how i would like my self to appear to others. oh, one more thing... id change my eyes to silver/gray with black lines in a sort of pattern
hmm no... muscle ligatures

What would you change about the rest of your body?
lol. i would like abs at all lol, less defined pecs, less hair, um... bigger cock lol, but not much bigger. only about 7in. um, neater pubes, thinner thighs, and longer feet and better toes
Lol. Not too much then?
wait wait theres more lol. my back is ugly lol
yeah, ugly. idk, it just has acne on it and is bony, but the rest of me isnt bony. im a bit pudgy actually. just my back.
oh, flatter bum too. and i have a birth mark on the right cheek... id totally get rid of that.
out of all of them; definitely the bum and the abs
So you have no abs at all then?
lol. nope, i have to lift my self up with a rope lol. im not fat, i just dont have any definition as it were. its just skin and hair lol

What personality traits would you choose to lose?
um, lots of things... mostly the sexual aspects. id rather be caring than lustful. id like to be more charming lol, and a bunch of other things which are hard to define. id have to spend some time going through my list, so i could give you the most relevant ones

What personality traits would you choose to have?
oh well, id be... damn, im gonna have to do a shopping list for traits lol
ill think about it while im packing ^_^

With the exception of things beyond our power to influence or control, we live our lives by the choices we make. Do you agree with this statement?
i do, because its a rational statement based on objective evidence

Do you think that choices and decisions are the same thing?
lol. yes, they are different derivatives of the same word. trust a linguist lol

Finally, if it had been possible to make all the choices and changes in questions above, please state what you think your life would be like at this moment in time:
it would be full and id be going places with it. its sort of like driving... once you figure out how to do all the controls you start to pay attention to your surroundings more lol


  1. I see that you would like to change a lot about yourself. I don't understand it though. Some of your choices are controllable, like physic, but do you truly think you'd be happier if you could change all that, or would you just find other things about yourself to change?

    Good Luck on your move. I would much prefer to live in seattle than in South Carolina.

  2. I liked reading a somewhat shorter interview, but this one seemed kind of rushed, actually. o.O

    Perhaps you should've been born in China. You know, the one-child policy?

  3. doing some good work here Col. seems the younger generation is more (concise? rushed? less verbose?) than the older generation. must be all the texting and stuff - if you can't reply in one sentence. not that its a bad thing, just something i noticed todays interview.

    are you going to do some sort of tally/chart/roundup comparison once you're done with all the interviews? sort of like "ok, this age answered this question like this, but this age answered opposite" type thing?

    maybe a pie chart? mmmm. pie. :)

  4. If you want to see a short interview wait until mine gets posted.


  5. That explains a lot.

    Well, not a lot, actually, but something.

  6. lol. Matt's a weird guy. :)

    *feels better about own answers now*


  7. @ Jake, Tee & naturgesetz: Thanks guys. I'll pass on your comments to Aahsazyl.

    @ Seth: Thanks Seth. I did think about that in the beginning, but it will be too difficult. There are too many differences in the answers... and that's kind of what I wanted to show. Maybe I could do a quick summary.
    Btw, I was lmao at the pie bit :)

    @ Peter & Mirrorboy: LOl. I wouldn't expect guys of your age to write as much as an older guy, simply because you haven't had the "life experiences" that us oldies have had.
    I value your contribution, and, it's just as meaningful and important as everybody else's.

    Thanks for all the comments guys!

    Take care,

  8. [late to the party] another interesting interview col and thanks to Aahsazyl for sharing all those personal details. i have no abs either (but i'm working on it - i'll report back in 2 years).

    2 things shreaked out at me: bristol and crouch end, as i've lived in both, and have been accused in the past of having a bit of a west country accent myself.


  9. Thanks torchy! Of all the places he could have said, you have lived in them both... that's a bit spooky!!
