I hope you all had a great weekend! I'd planned to write this post on Saturday, but it was such a lovely day that I spent most of it gardening and then we had our first barbecue of the year. Perfect with a couple of ice-cold beers. Aaaah!
On Sunday I visited my mum, and then after lunch I took my nieces on a two-hour bike ride. I haven't ridden a bike since I was a teenager and I really enjoyed it. I have to say that I am a little saddle-sore today though, but it was worth it. I'll be cycling to and from work so I'm bound to get used to it fairly soon. When we got back home I just relaxed, with a book, in the garden for too long... got a bit burnt! The weather was glorious yesterday, whereas today is quite chilly and overcast, and we've got rain forecast too... typical bloody British weather! Having said that... the sun has just broken through the clouds, so I may go sit in the garden again.
I start my new job tomorrow, today is a Bank holiday btw which is why I haven't started today.
Anyway, on May 16th I welcomed Sashka as a follower but I didn't know whether he had a blog or not, well he does,and if you haven't already visited Malchik Gai's favs (Sasha's gayboi favs) by Sasha; go take a look in a moment. It's a (mainly) photo blog that's a mixture of arty, erotic, off-the-wall, thought-provoking and sometimes disturbing images. I really like the blog, but it seems that my PC hates it! Peter and Sasha's blogs are the only ones that I have any problems with... no sooner does a page load (if it even gets that far) when my poor old PC just dies. Ok, it's getting on a bit now but it only happens with those two!
Btw, I've not spelt any names wrong... Profile is Sashka and blog is Sasha! Maybe he can let us know which one he prefers to be called?
Ok then, a warm and hearty (if a bit belated) "welcome!" to Jeremy and Pilgrim, my newest followers:
Jeremy is the 20 year old author of Falling Through the Void blog and he's a Chemical Engineering student from Massachusetts in the good old U.S of A! He's just finished his finals and gone back home for the summer, but it sound like his summer's off to bad start... they had hailstones (huge ones by all accounts), and "freakishly" strong winds yesterday... but it didn't stop him from jumping in the pool for the first time this year. And guess what... it was bloody cold! Haha!
Pilgrim is the 19 year old Belgian author of La route de Pilgrim - Pilgrim's ways blog and he too is a student. He's studying Macrophysics and Microbiology in Paris, France. He enjoys rollerblading, and his roomie is one of France's best street & park skaters. I can't tell you much more at the moment I'm afraid because I've not read all his posts yet. You know what? Pop over there and have a good old read-up yourselves!
So thanks again and welcome aboard to Jeremy and Pilgrim!
I didn't get a chance to have a look for any new funny stuff, so I'm afraid you'll have to make do with the dregs in my folder. Sorry guys... I'll find some decent stuff for next time! :)

Ok, that's it from me!
I hope you all have a good week!
Until next time...
Take care & take it easy!!
Take care & take it easy!!